Day 33, July 16, 2012

Day 33: Up at 4:15am, chores, skip breakfast, depart at 6am. Go east to T-intersection, turn south and proceed towards town of Melvern. Gravel turns to blacktop. Clyde comes in his pickup with a camp chair he thought I forgot, but I tell him it belongs to Frank. He has pulled in front of me and is getting out quick to get the chair. I meanwhile swing around him and stop in front of his truck so I do not have to hold Reba in front of him. Jill jumps off the wagon, so I have to jump after and get her while controlling Reba. My hands are so full, Clyde says, “I’m sorry!” And I, being so impressed that he would drive ten miles just to make sure I didn’t lose a raggedy old lawn chair, say, “God bless you Clyde, for your kindness!”

Sunrise on road from Lyndon to Melvern.
Traveling at dawn, whistling an old song.

Still poking along, I saw a vulture perched on an abandon house like an illustration from an Eger Allen Poe book - and myself being writer, I couldn't resist trying my hand at it (see below):

"Awakened by a ghostly shutter, we peered into the blaze of morning...

...unaware that the vulture had arrived in the night." (lol)

Water tower of Melvern visible straight ahead.

On our way to Melvern, we cross the Maris de Cyne River. Click this link to see video of crossing:

Bridge over the Maris Des Cyne River,
just north of Melvern.

I arrive in Melvern at approx 9:45am and meet Gary who (although like so many others that did not know me or what I’m about) steps forward without hesitation and sets me up in a perfect place with shade, water, hay, electricity, and a bathroom.

Camped in shelter, at River Front Park in Melvern.

Reba, just after arriving to camp.
Gary fixed us up good with ample hay and water.

After taking care of animals and setting up my camp, I make breakfast, and man I am hungry! I then sleep, and work on my journal. It is extremely hot, like 100 or something. Later in the cool of evening, Gary and his wife Jane come by and visit, and I tell them about my mission. Then with words of thanks and well wishes, they depart, and I work on my journal until my eyes will no longer stay open. I hit the sack around 10:45pm.

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